Coccon-Nebel IC5146 und Galaxienhaufen Abell 2218


Object:      Coccon Nebula IC5146

Date:        14.07.2007

Location:    Oberes Schlierental 1450m ü. M.

SQM:         21.45m/s2 at 00.30UTC by 9°C

Telescope:   Meade Schmidt-Newton 254mm f/4

Mount:       ALT-7

Autoguiding: SBIG STV
Camera:      Canon EOS 20Da

ISO speed:   1600

Dark Frame:  Master-Dark at 9°C

Flat Frame:  Master-Flat at 0°USZ with Paracorr

Exposure:    16 x 362s, total 96minutes

Object:      Galaxie Cluster Abell 2218

Date:        13.07.2007

Location:    Oberes Schlierental 1450m ü. M.

SQM:         21.49m/s2 at 22.40UTC by 9°C

Telescope:   Meade Schmidt-Newton 254mm f/4

Mount:       ALT-7

Autoguiding: SBIG STV
Camera:      Canon EOS 20Da

ISO speed:   1600

Dark Frame:  Master-Dark at 9°C

Flat Frame:  Master-Flat at 0°USZ with Paracorr

Exposure:    9 x 362s, total 54minutes

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